Natalie and I have had the privilege of being ministered to by Tom Harmon. We heard him speak almost 2 decades ago and immediately were drawn to his intense love for Jesus Christ. When he is on the pulpit, his enthusiasm is contagious. You can’t help but walk away fed and filled.
The first time we were able to spend some one-on-one time with Mr. Harmon, we grew so much as parents. His preaching ministry has been a blessing to our home in more ways than one. From one particular sermon we heard titled, 16 Ways To Build One Accord In Your Family, helped shore up some things that God had been leading us to.
Our prayer is that you can use this list below and see God’s divine hand work in your family as it has ours. For more information on Mr. Harmon’s ministry, we have a link here
16 Prayers For Your Children
1. Their salvation
2. Their mate
3. That they would fall in love with God’s Word
4. That God would keep them from the evil one
5. That they would have a conscience void of offense before God and man
6. That their character would be more valuable to them than their credentials
7. That they would stand up for what is right even if it means standing alone
8. That they would be kept from the love of money
9. That they would be kept morally pure
10. That they would have the heart of a servant
11. That eternity would burn in their hearts
12. That sin would always be distasteful to them and that they would be broken easily over sin
13. That they would love each other
14. That they would trust God with their parents and not allow rebellion to set in
15. Regardless the hardship, that they may never become bitter against God
16. That our boys would be glad to be boys and our girls glad to be girls