This project had to be one of my favorites. We have lots of feet going in and out of this house and one room that needed an overhaul was the upstairs guest bath. We did this as efficiently as we could and are very pleased with the turn-out. I love doing renovations with the kids and Jason doesn’t mind putting the effort behind any of the things that are needing his attention.
My favorite part of this project is now our guest get to have a brand new, updated full bath for when they stay over. Providing hospitality is something our entire family loves to do and it is part of how we minister to other people that come into our lives. Having that sweet fellowship is vital for our family’s growth.
Although we love serving others in our home, I am reminded every single day that my primary service is to the ones in my home. In other words, my home is my ministry. It is a place when your ears hear the rooster crow at dawn, you can not wait to hit the floor running. It is where you can smell breakfast cooking and it puts a smile on your face. Home is where we train our children to understand the value of hard work. Your home is a mission field that is intertwined with all sorts of personalities and character traits that can challenge you in ways you couldn’t do anywhere else. Home is a landing pad where you can regroup with one another. It is a place where Dad is able to lead and minister to his flock. It is a place where mother can provide hospitality to gather with family and friends. Home is a place where encouragement and support comes during times of trial. It is where love and joy have precedence.
Home is a sweet place to be when your little ones crawl up in your arms and snuggle with you. It is a place where the children are free to roam the wooded land and build forts as high as the sky. It is a place where they can be creative with their hands and have a safe place to share their hearts. It is where the foundation is laid and their character is shaped. It is a respite from a long day. Home is where we share the most sacred moments with the ones we hold dear. It is where we lay our head at night and are grateful for the provisions God has given.
Home is where God is honored every day and where we are able to practice loving others before ourselves. It is where we choose joy and is a place where God continues to humble us. It is then, when home becomes our sanctuary and our haven.
The best part of doing all of these projects, that seem never-ending at times, is that we are working together as a team. Not only are we learning valuable skills, but we all are sharpening our responses to one another. This is what “my mission field down the hall” has become.
After a major project, I always say to my kids, “I don’t know about you, but who believes that was completely worth all that hard work?” And they all smile, and raise their hands in agreement while jumping up and down with excitement.
There is something rewarding when you can stand back, take a breather, and say, “We finished the job!” knowing it was to the best of our ability and to completion.
I love the ownership that the kids take over the new rooms we renovate. At least a few of them will want to be the first ones to have that room as their new jurisdiction the next time we all clean house. 🙂
I really enjoy doing life with this crew and this project has been one for the books. I have enjoyed watching the process of our children using their skills, taking ownership over their own tools, and being so eager to get in there to get the job done.
I posted a video here of the completed look for your entertainment.
We hope you feel encouraged and inspired to look at any DIY project as a ministry with your family. We knew very little about renovating, and with a little trial and error have now collectively learned how to plumb new lines, run electricity to new parts of the house, build an addition, and learning to live in a renovation project peaceably. Now that is the biggest accomplishment of them all! 🙂
Bless you all,