As I am at home teaching, training, cleaning, cooking, and tending to my responsibilities in my little corner of the world, my husband is updating me on the current chaos that is going on in our nation. I can’t help but wonder what kind of America will my children grow up in? One of tyranny or one of freedom?
How about a nation that is unified under the authority of God and that we still are able to come together on common ground from all walks of life? Are we drawing a line in the sand on things we should have grace with, or are those deal breakers?
We are so divided, and it is disturbing to see the division get further and further apart. We have a disconnect with relationships in the family, and such disregard for the ones before us that fought and died for the freedoms we experience today. I, for one, still would like to believe the people of the United States desire to do the right thing.
What about kindness, having joy in our lives, being honest, showing patience in times of stress, keeping the peace, having love for one another? Or are Christians the only ones that are supposed to display this kind of character? Are we teaching these things in our homes, schools, and in our churches?
We are raising the next generation, and I, for one, would like my children to grow up in the America that I once thought to be a Christian nation… not because we are special, but because I believe that we have a God-given right to have the freedom in our lives to raise our children how we see fit, be employed where we wish, go to church where we choose, and pray without the fear of a tyrant, a bully, or persecution.
There will always be people who will criticize, but as a mother and an American citizen, I prefer not to watch the ship sink while sitting on the sidelines. Nope, not this mama.
Ronald Regan said it best. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
We need to be teaching our children what a privilege it is to live in a nation with such freedoms. Today, my children have the freedom to run when they want to play, eat when their belly is hungry, sleep peacefully at night, have an abundance of reading material at their fingertips for their education, and are able to sing their little hearts out with joy when they want to.
These are simple examples, but those freedoms will quickly be taken away when we buy into the lies of Socialism and Marxism.
John Dickinson (a signer of our Constitution) said, “An inalienable right is a right which God gave to you and which no inferior power has a right to take away.”
What he is essentially saying here is, God exists, God freely gives us these rights, we the people empower government to protect them, but government cannot take them away or regulate them.
Our Founders were diligent about making sure these rights were not restricted. John Dickinson also said, “Human governments could not give the rights essential to happiness. We claim them from a higher source, from the King of Kings and Lord of all the earth. They are not annexed to us by parchment seals. They are created in us by the decrees of Providence, which establish the laws of our nature. They are born with us, exists with us, and cannot be taken from us by any human power without taking our lives.”
Parents, I encourage you to take this time to gather your family together and seek God on your face. I will be asking God for mercy on our country, asking Him to heal our land, repent of the sins we have committed against Him as a nation, and turn from those ways. We aren’t a perfect nation, nor do we have it all figured out. But our Founding Fathers were 100% correct on having the Bible as its foundation for all instruction, correction, and reproof in our country. This is where we find our answers.
No matter how this election turns out, one thing is for sure: The Most High God rules the kingdom of mankind and sets over it whom he will. (Daniel 5:21) Scripture shows us that there are times God gives authority over to wicked leaders as judgment on unrepentant nations. And there are times when He is merciful and allows righteous leaders to reign for a season. But make no mistake, all authority is His alone.
Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” At the end of the day, God isn’t surprised by any of the decisions our leaders make, nor is He surprised by the division we have allowed in this country. Families build the nation and the Bible is the cornerstone. We can not forget this.