The choices we make, the priorities we have, and our responses to pain all reveal what we believe to be true. 

One of Satan’s most strategic ways to trap us is to blind us when he whispers. Jesus says that Satan is a liar and the Father of lies.” (John 8:44) When we buy into his lies, we have fallen prey to his wily ways. Satan knows scripture forward and backward. He will always take a portion of what is true, and throw in a little deception here and there to make it appear as truth. He is subtle, and we play a dangerous game when we entertain the lies he whispers over us. (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)

What we believe about God determines the way we choose to live our daily lives. Eve proved that in the garden when Satan deceived her by saying, “Did God actually say…?” (Genesis 3:1-5She doubted what God had already told her, and believed the serpent’s word over a Holy and Righteous God. If we are believing a lie Satan has spoken over us, then we will find ourselves chained to that sin unless we are daily in God’s word to know what He says.

the view from our backyard

We all have had people in our lives that have manipulated, deceived, and lied to us or about us. As believers, we need to realize these people are just tools for Satan’s agenda to distract us, and as God allows circumstances to take place, we can not lose sight of a greater purpose. 

In 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 it talks about a thorn given to us and a messenger sent from Satan. I find this scripture to be my go-to when lies are spoken. We may not understand why humans choose to be so destructive in other people’s lives, but let us respond biblically to the tactics of these people that Satan uses to cause chaos and confusion. Do not entertain the lies spoken through their insults and persecutions. It is the sin in people that we are battling, and Satan is an accuser of the brethren (Ephesians 6:12, Revelation 12:10).  The quicker we see this, the less Satan’s words matter.

We must wage war on that madness. We must root ourselves in absolute Truth if we want to avoid the traps set before our path. As a Body of rescued believers, take hold of Truth and be bold in the face of darkness. This world is not our home, but we can live here with victory and peace staking claim on what Jesus has already won!

Luke 22:31-32
