I wanted to share some notes I made for my children today. This was part of our morning devotional at breakfast before church.
Boys, when you start looking for a wife, make sure that she is a Godly example. She does not have to be perfect in all areas, but there are a few areas where she must excel and surpass every other candidate. First, she must have the right priorities. She must love God more than you. She must be willing to manage her time around these priorities and put relationships over projects. A willing desire to grow and be vulnerable when you provide safety is a definite must. She must be willing to be patient with you as you grow in Christ. In short, look for someone with your mom’s character traits.
Girls, while you pray for a Godly man to enter into your life, always examine your own walk. Key areas to focus on are: Is God at the center of my life? Do I take my identity in Christ? Am I organized? Do I work hard? Am I grateful? Do I have Biblical priorities? Do I appreciate the simple? In short, pay attention to the instruction and example of your mother.
Today is our wedding anniversary. I married the love of my life. At the time, everyone thought I was going to rescue this poor girl who was in need of deliverance.
Back when I knew more than I do now, I too thought how lucky this girl was going to be. And I would like to say that I quickly saw that my greatest need was humility, but sadly it took me some time before I realized that I had “married up.”
My wife has been the greatest gift God has used to sanctify my life. Natalie has always been such an example for me. When I first met her, she was juggling more responsibility than I had ever seen during any of my undergraduate or graduate school. She was so organized and diligent. She possessed this level of motivation that, only later, have I come to realize was placed there by the hand of God.
We would spend hours talking about her life and childhood, and even to this day I am amazed at her resiliency. She would tell you that I have been her rescuer, but I know better.
The thing I admire the most about my wife is her unwavering desire for the things of God. Even during some really difficult times in her life God showed her protection and deliverance. She is not impressed by the things of this world, nor is she willing to compromise to the world’s standards.
When I first met her I was initially convicted of my own selfishness. Here was this young lady who had way more responsibilities than I did, and she always served herself last. If fact, her needs were never a part of the conversation. And if I was really being transparent here, she still challenges me every time I am around her. To this day, I am so grateful God has given us such a beautiful life together. While life is never easy, I am grateful I have my best friend to hold my hand, and to share on this journey.
Happy anniversary Natalie. I love you.