best of friends

Today I woke up to a crisp, sunny morning and I knew my pregnant self needed to spend some time outdoors soaking up what was left of these Autumn days.  After I finished all the necessary duties of my morning, I quickly made plans to spend the rest of the afternoon outside with all of the children.  I packed some snacks, canteens, and their walkie-talkies to head out.  It was one of those perfect 67 degree days where you never want it to end. 

Soon I found myself taking a moment to sit on the porch swing with a certain little man in my life.  He is blonde and blue-eyed and as sweet as apple pie.  We found ourselves in deep conversation, as much as a mother can have with her 3 year old son.  We were working out all of life’s problems when we caught a glimpse of my toddler headed half way down the lane.  Boaz  jumps off the swing to point and yell, “Mama!  I’d better find my shoes! Priscilla is going down to the woods! I need to protect her!  There are bears down there!”  His little eyes were as wide as silver dollars.  As I strapped on his running shoes, he ran through the yard to her yelling, “Priscilla, wait! I need to walk with you!” When he finally made it to her, he held out his hand, her little hand grabbed his, and off they walked together. 

I knew the sun wasn’t all I was soaking up that day.  I was taking mental pictures of what had just taken place.  What a perfect description of how God protects us when we go down the lane alone, unprotected.  How wonderful that God gives little boys the know-how to want to protect the women in their life.  

