There is something special about children being drawn to the things of God.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Mathew 19:14
Whether you are a parent, VBS leader, or elder in the church, we all shape children’s views of who God is when we present the Gospel message. I believe when Jesus put the little children on His lap as He blessed them, we adults need to approach children with the same listening ear to hear, with the same patience to understand, and the same heart to view them as blessings in our lives.
Jesus makes it clear in several New Testament scriptures that children are to be valued. Matthew 18:10, Mark 10:13-16, Matthew 18:2-6
This life is not about us. This life is about advancing His kingdom through the presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Concerning ourselves in protecting, teaching, and instructing our children is a priority. They will desire to serve Christ when they see the joy we have as we live out our Christian walk.
If He has blessed you with children, we start here, in our homes, drawing them near as Christ does for us. Parents are their child’s first teacher, therefore, we model what it is to live a life that reflects Christ.
If you aren’t a parent, find a place of your gifting in the church no matter your age. You have a purpose in this life to help advance the Gospel for the next generation. It may be the gift of hospitality, maybe you are an exhorter, or maybe you love to teach. Whatever that gift may be, fill in the gaps so you can be a vessel in a child’s life.
Children are never too young to understand the things of God and are typically hungry to learn. If Jesus placed great value on His children, we should be patient with them as they grow in their faith. Let us never be dismissive of their eagerness to learn.
I have found that I have learned much about my own short-comings as I work with little ones. They teach me humility when I make a mistake and they are great at teaching me endurance! Most of all, my kids give me a glimpse into what Christ must be like when we need His grace. When my 3 year old wraps her arms around me and says, “It’s okay mommy, I forgive you.” it is like the peace of God comes over me when I see her smiling face be so eager to restore.
My prayer for today is that we all become like little children, acknowledging how helpless we are, and humbly coming before a righteous God in great need of His Son’s saving grace.
“Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.”
Psalm 131:1-2.