I can not tell you how many lies I bought into when I was young. Lies about who God is. Lies about myself. Lies about sin. Lies about the male population. Lies about my circumstances. And lies about my emotions. Countless lies.
I had no idea how often I bought into the world’s version of who I was. The lies I believed were so numerous that I found myself guided by them. I believed I wasn’t of value. I self doubted and self-condemned on a regular basis. I was crippled by fear and the torment was real.
Ladies, feelings are not facts.
The Bible says the heart is deceitful and wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9) Your feelings will lie to you every time.
Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t make it a fact. Just because we perceive something to be truth, doesn’t mean it is.
Maybe someone told you that you aren’t enough and you believe it. Maybe you have become a slave to sin by falling into the same trap over and over. Maybe you are experiencing hardship and feel engulfed by your emotions. Maybe someone has slandered you and you have become distracted by their words.
When a lie is presented to us, we must place it where it belongs- in the garbage.
God is able to rearrange our thoughts. He is more than capable of giving us a renewed mind. He is Deity and He protects what is His.
As He helps us break those ties that once had bound us, He makes room in our lives for joy and peace.
Today, as I look back at how far He has brought me, I am forever grateful for the freedom He has given me. He has allowed me the opportunity to be my children’s mother that can now help them spot those same lies.
Satan doesn’t take a day off, nor will he stop at your children. Our children need to know the power of Truth. They can rest knowing when those lies are called out, that hill is conquered.
God is good. He really does love you. He cares for our every need. You have worth and are valued by Him. You can live in victory. He created you for a specific purpose. You can have a joy-filled life. You have the right to a sound mind. You can live in absolute Truth. And you are enough because of who Christ is, not because of what someone else says you are not.
That is a fact- not my feelings.