Learning the words to old time hymns is one of my favorite things to do in our home.  I believe that God ordained the beautifully written lyrics and this is why we can gather such truths from them.  I didn’t have the privilege of growing up with these pieces, therefore it makes me all the more grateful to be able to enjoy them today with my children. 
We quote them in our time of need, just like we recall scripture when we need a Word.  I have also found when I continuously have hymns playing in the background throughout my home, there is a constant reminder of Whom I serve.  It has become a lifestyle for me to lean into.  
One of our favorites to sing as a family is My Shepherd Will Supply My Need written by Isaac Watts over 400 years ago.  When I think about how long ago he penned this hymn, I reflect on the state of mind he may have been in at the time.  
I enjoy studying the history behind timeless hymns because it brings peace to my heart.  Reading their stories, empathizing with their hardship, seeing their will to persevere becomes a salve to my soul.  Whether these men and women wrote hymns from a state of despair, from an affliction they had, or from simple gratitude, the words are so perfectly written that whomever sings them can not help but walk away praising the name of the Lord.  
When we suffer, remember that Jesus gives us the grace to walk through it.  He will always supply in our time of need.  

If we need shelter, He will provide.  If we need strength, He will give it.  If we need protection, He delivers us.  For our help only comes from the Lord.
Sunday morning worship
It may not always look the way we think it should, but we serve a faithful God who cares about the smallest of detail.  He always understands every affliction we experience.  And He always rejoices with us when our joy is exceedingly abundant.
Whatever it is that you are walking through, know that Our Shepherd leads us on a path of truth and grace.
Today, may this hymn bless you as you read below.
My Shepherd will supply my need, Jehovah is His name, 
In pastures fresh He makes me feed beside the living stream;
He brings my wandering spirit back when I forsake His way,
And leads me for His mercy’s sake in paths of truth and grace.
When I walk through the shades of death His presence is my stay,
One word of His supporting grace drives all my fears away;
His hand in sight of all my foes doth still my table spread,
My cup with blessings overflows, His oil anoints my head.
The sure provisions of my God attend me all my days;
Oh, may Thy house be my abode and all my work be praise;
There would I find a settled rest, while others go and come;
No more a stranger nor a guest, but like a child at home.
-Isaac Watts (1674-1748)

In Christ,
