Admiration is one of the easiest needs to meet in your marriage.  Just a simple “I’m grateful for you.” and wa-la, you have made their day.
On the flip side, it’s all too easy to be critical of others.  A critical spirit can set a person on the defense, wrecking their confidence. 
Consequently, the spouse on the receiving end of the hurt may withhold their love, which can lead to bitterness.
Using words of flattery will ruin a man, but a life lived in mutual respect for one another strengthens your foundation.
Words matter.
So let’s use words that are joy-filled.
“I’m so happy to see you. Life is better with you in it.”
Let’s use words that are life-giving.
“I’m grateful that you care about being home on time for supper.  It motivates me to want to cook your favorite meals everyday!”
And let’s cultivate our relationship by using words that are encouraging.
“Honey, you are so gifted in the area of _____.” I’m thankful you bring that dynamic to our family.”
Our words matter.
