I woke up to this little guy this morning keeping warm by the heater copying Romans 6 on notebook paper.

Being a mom to eleven different personalities and age ranges, I have seen each child grow in their strengths differently.

If I had to pick 5 top things I continue to reiterate from one mother to the next, one of those on the list would be every child has their own, individual journey of faith they walk out with the Lord.

Praise the Lord for that, right!

Their salvation does not rest upon our shoulders. But the Lord does use mothers as vessels to point their children to Christ in their joys, and in the sorrows.

We remind them that scripture is infallible and sufficient. Scripture is also where we find answers to all of life’s questions. Children need to know simple concepts such as these.

Mother, your influence is profound, but it isn’t the determining factor of whether or not your child is faithful in his walk.

So today, I just wanted to send you a friendly reminder to keep going! Keep being diligent in memorizing scripture with your children.

Continue to teach and train.

Keep planting those seeds of kindness, gentleness, and love. You let God do the growing.

Remember, we sow in one season and reap in another.

Stay Encouraged,
