A New Year
We are thankful another year has been given to us. We want to thank those of you who are an encouragement to our family and support the work God has graciously entrusted to us. We look back with gratitude and great joy!
Even though our heart’s desire is to strengthen family unity and walk alongside other married couples, uplifting them in any way we are able, I am always reminded that God continues to shape our marriage along the way. This ministry has become an intricate part of our everyday lives, and we are grateful God has chosen us for such a time as this.
This journey has been humbling and also rewarding simultaneously. The Lord keeps teaching us that without Him, none of these things could be possible. Every circumstance is orchestrated and every detail woven into His perfect plan… and in the end, it is all for His glory.
Anyone in ministry will tell you this isn’t for the faint at heart. It isn’t for wimps either. But we are human, and spiritual attacks are very real. Please don’t forget to pray for us. Satan knows who we serve, and we feel like a target at times. Having the courage to do what He has asked of us regardless of the outcome isn’t always the easiest path. We don’t claim to know what His plan is every time, but we are willing to be vessels for a greater purpose.
Thank you to those whom have been prayer warriors in times of need, and rejoiced with us in times of joy! We are grateful for each one and value your friendship.
Jason and I pray that you have a year full of blessings, a faith that is unwavering, peace in your heart, wisdom in your decisions, and endless love for your family, friends, and neighbors.
Happy New Year to all!
In Christ,
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10