The Value Of Reading Good Literature
From a young girl’s perspective…
My parent’s have always been intentional about what kinds of books we read, what sorts of media we watch, and the audio stories or music we listen to. I am very grateful they have helped us guard our minds and our hearts in this area of our lives.
I would like to talk a little about why I value reading good literature and what value this is to my soul. What is a good book and how do we go about deciding what is healthy to put into our minds? Noah Webster’s Dictionary defines “good” as uncorrupt, sound, and wholesome. My parents have always reiterated what we read goes in our mind, into our heart, and off our tongue. What we read, see, hear, touch, etc., whether it is wholesome or garbage, is planted into our hearts. We will start repeating the things we read and demonstrating the behaviors we observe from the characters.
The word “uncorrupted” stands out to me. I have witnessed others talk inappropriately and it gave me a pretty good idea of the garbage they were reading or listening to. If you are an older sibling or even an example to someone younger than you, I encourage you to be very mindful of who is watching your behavior and what comes off your tongue. I am not perfect at this, but I try and be a good example to my younger siblings. I like to do this by teaching them from the books we read together. I point out what character has corruptible behavior, and what we can do to run from sin so we do not fall into the same trap.
I love to see good character being built in others as I read good literature. It is encouraging to know that God can use Christian authors to further the Kingdom in this way. I have read enough books to know that not everything you read is true. My mother brought this to my attention and I now understand why it is a good thing to question the truth of what I am reading. We need to measure everything we come across to the Word of God. Now when I read something that doesn’t measure up with what the Lord says, I question, “Where is that found in scripture?” Don’t be afraid to ask your parent’s wisdom on such matters. What you read will shape who you are and how you think. My example to this is, how has the Bible shaped you? I have been shaped by the scripture in Proverbs 15:2, “The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.” I do not want to be a fool, so I purpose to put wholesome words into my mind so that it may pour out to others.
One of my favorite books that has shaped me is, Rosa of Linden Castle by Christoph Von Schmid. The attitudes that Rosa has towards her life’s circumstances and trials are perfect examples of Christ-like character, but are demonstrated from a non-perfect girl. This is what I want to exemplify in my life. When trials come, I want to have the response that Christ would. We all need examples from healthy role-models, but realizing she is flawed, just as we all are, gives me hope. We need to let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) But we have to have good character to accomplish this. What you feed your spirit will come forth, so I encourage you to read this excellent book.
Reading good literature enables us to teach others. Everyone teaches somebody something. Daddy always says, “More is caught than taught.” and that means our attitudes shape others more than our words do, especially our family members. Whether you have siblings or not, someone looks to you as an example. You are teaching them by how you treat your parents, your friends, or the kindness you bring to your day. Your attitude is a reflection of what is in your heart. What we see, hear, touch, and taste all shape our heart’s desires, so where do you place your value? Books are just a small portion of what we put into our minds. Your actions come from what you believe is truth. I encourage you to read what is God’s Truth, measure everything you read by that standard, and through your actions, the attitude of your heart will overflow into others.
McBride Daughter, 13 years old
Psalm 119:105