We are not affiliated with these ministries, but we believe these resources can offer families much value in their marriage and parenting. Some of these resources are written or preached by personal friends and acquaintances of ours. The others are simply our favorites that have blessed our home.
You will never find anyone that you agree with 100%, and you should always look at any resource through a Biblical lens. The wisdom that other Christians offer is simply a vessel that God uses to sharpen us. The guidelines we try and live by in our home is to have a willing spirit to learn, absorb God’s Truth, use discernment, and leave the rest at the door.
Click the links below highlighted in blue and it will take you to the author’s website. We make zero money on any links that we have provided below. It’s just a courtesy.
Specifically For Marriages:
Love-Life For Every Married Couple
Specifically For Parents:
How Can I feel Productive As A Mom
For The Home:
For Spiritual Warfare:
The Christian In Complete Armour
Enriching For The Family:
Noah Webster’s 1828 online dictionary
Your Personal Walk With God
For Young Men:
For Young Ladies:
The Look- Does God Really Care What I Wear?
Modesty: More Than A Change of Clothes
For Your Children:
Kids Answers In Genesis
Carl Sommer Character Building
Elsie Dinsmore Series (28 books)
Sermons on Dealing With Difficult People:
Becoming That Impossible Person
Noah Webster’s 1828 online dictionary
Some of our favorite authors are:
W. G. Van De Hulst
Isabella Alden
A. L. O. E.
O. F. Walton
Debra Alcock
We read a lot of missionary and martyr biographies.
(Hudson Taylor, George Muller, William Tyndale, Elisabeth Elliot, Susanna Wesley, John Bunyan, Corrie Ten Boom, Mary Slessor, William Booth, Perpetua, etc.)