This is one of my favorite healing herbal salves that I make enough to last our entire family all year long.
- 2 cups olive oil or almond oil
- 1/4 cup beeswax
- 1 tsp. echinacea root
- 2 Tbsp. dried comfrey leaf
- 2 Tbsp. dried plantain leaf
- 2 Tbsp. dried calendula flowers
- 1 tsp. dried yarrow flowers
There are a few ways to do this. You can either combine the herbs and the olive oil in a jar with an airtight lid and leave 3-4 weeks in a cool, dark place, shaking daily or heat the herbs and oil over low heat in a double broiler for 3 hours until the oil is very green. I have used a crock pot on low overnight for the infusion process as well.
Whichever method you use, you will need to strain herbs out of the oil by pouring through a cheesecloth. Let all the oil drip out and then squeeze to get remaining oil out. Discard the remaining herbs.
Heat the infused oil in a double boiler with the beeswax until melted and mixed. Pour into tins, glass jars, chap-stick tubs, or your desired container. You can use this salve on cuts, stings, bites, poison ivy, diaper rash, open wounds, etc.