It’s the last day that I officially have 8 children (along with a baby on my lap) doing their studies at the table with me, and I think it’s been the fullest schedule it has ever been.
When the older ones were doing their work at a sweet little round table we had for school hours, I would have only 6 or 7 of them learning at once- and it felt like a lot then.
I now can see the peak of this hill I have been climbing. I am watching the sun shine on this new season with #3 graduating, one more on her heels, and the next following quickly behind her. It goes so fast.
I haven’t arrived at “this is easy.” It probably will never be easy, but I have found a rhythm that works for us. Some days are smooth sailing. Other days are more of a challenge to get 8 of them through every single subject every single day.
I remember lots of overwhelmed moments, with baby spit up, several changes of diapers or clothing in between snacks and meals to prepare, potty training a toddler right alongside learning phonics with a new reader, not to mention the piles of dishes, laundry, and normal house duties that were never ending… All the while making sure everyone had balanced meals, plenty of outdoor time, and that I didn’t forget to iron Jason’s work shirts.
My nearest neighbor, whom we saw almost daily, used to chuckle and say, “Whew, He gives em’ to the young for a reason.” as she watched me run from the kitchen to the potty-trainer, back to phonics, then to change the laundry.
She is right though! God knows we were made for such a season.
I had moments when my perspective became clouded or a discouraging thought would come with all the minuscule details of what was required of me each day. Do I clean all the bathrooms during naptime or do I sit to do schoolwork with the one who struggles in math? I have beat myself up for placing priorities over here but not getting it all done over there.
I got better at recognizing we were going to forgo (fill in the blank) so we can focus on (fill in the blank.) And that saved me from preforming a juggling act because I saw that I couldn’t possibly get it all done in one day. It was a balanced approach, a season of growing, a faithful journey that I’m still on- one I’m thankful I didn’t give up on. It makes me want to cry in how gracious the Lord has been with me. He has seen me through so much.
25 years later, I see the bigger purpose in being their teacher and the keeper of my home. And it feels so good to be exactly where God wants us.
He is faithful. He is right beside us during those loooong school hours, and throughout the late nights with a newborn. He cares for us even when we are overwhelmed. He provides for us so we are able manage our home. He is with us in our struggles and sorrows. But He also rejoices with us in times of celebration.
As I change with the seasons, I’m grateful He doesn’t. He is the same today as He was when our great-great grandmothers were juggling toddlers and babies, balancing her duties, ironing her husband’s shirts, managing her garden, and preparing meals for her family. He is the same God that created you for a divine purpose in your home, with your family, with your specific circumstances.
A mother’s efforts never end and it is wonderful. Seasons change. They come and they go. Sometimes we start over in areas we mess up in. Sometimes we get it right. And when we learn to let go of the things that do not matter this side of heaven, we grow. It’s all beautiful and it’s all for His purpose.
I can not imagine life any differently than being required to do something hard and growing from it, no matter what it is. The requirements from us to be a homeschooling mother is a very tall order, but I know He will be faithful to grow us through it all. Galatians 6:9 encourages us to not growing weary in well doing. We will see the fruit in due season.
When the overwhelm mother sees piles in the laundry room, I pray Jesus finds her in those quiet spaces to give encouragement. I pray He is a comfort to her weary soul when she finds the duties of the home lonely. I pray that she can create a place of peace instead of chaos. I pray she builds a home where she can have fun and laugh at the days to come. My prayer for her is that she experiences a godly contentment in what she has been blessed with today knowing she will grow as she climbs.
In Christ,