My sweet daughter, who is a natural at being a leader among a group, rounded up her brothers and sisters to surprise me by clearing out the weeds from our berry patch.  I had supper going and just finished nursing the baby, and decided to head outside to see what everyone was up to.


I see little bodies working hard.  It’s hot, there’s little shade, and to boot the patch is on the west side of the property.  Two sweet faces come running up to me with big grins and have a story to tell.  They show me a weed they pulled and had worked about twenty minutes digging out its huge root.  I smiled… and then I realized what it was!  🙁


Almost twelve years ago, Jason and I visualized where things would be planted on our property.  We wanted the berry patch close enough to the house in case we needed to haul a lot of water to that area.  We had one of the worst droughts on record a few years after we planted, and the recovery of those took a lot of care for their survival.


God has been very good to us.  We have harvested a lot of blackberries and raspberries over the years from that patch, and every fall I make a huge batch of elderberry syrup to last our family the entire winter.  

So to my surprise, when my girls came running to me with this huge plant in hand, I realized that it was my elderberry… the one that almost bit the dust during the drought.

And then I laughed.  Yes, I laughed out loud.  Because you see, I was raised that hard work and the possessions you own are more valuable than the people in your life.

Precious mothers, the things of this world are ALL going to pass away and at the end of life.  Investing in your children’s hearts far outweigh any thing you hold near and dear.  As mothers, we have the highest calling, and God gives us an opportunity to take these small things and turn them into teachable moments.  

Yes, I dearly love harvesting my elderberries in the fall.  This year, we won’t be doing that.  And I say that with a smile on my face.  Maybe God wanted me to take a break in this area.  Maybe He wants me to rely on His provision instead of replanting.  Whatever it may be, I am listening, I am learning, and I am willing.

My sweet girls, you have the purest motives in surprising your mama.  You worked diligently with your hands, purposed to serve someone else first, and joyfully followed through until the very end.  A woman that works diligently with her hands to put others before herself is a woman of virtue.  

You continue to humble me every day.  



And at the end of this day, ice-cream was had by all …because I care more about their heart than I am interested in some bush or tree that I can always replant anytime, any day.

Be blessed mama,


Proverbs 31:13