We are getting older.  Time has gone by so fast.  And we want to make a difference in the lives of others, so what that means is it’s worth passing on what we both have learned in areas of what not to do, the good, the bad, the joys, the sorrows, and some vulnerable testimonies of how God has changed us throughout the years.
I had a window of time this morning to jot down some thoughts on what was on my heart today.
Love like there’s no tomorrow.
Be humble enough to admit when you’re wrong.
Be quick to listen and slow to speak.
Use your words wisely.
Men, recognize her need to be loved and be committed to doing that gently.
Women, recognize and respect his headship, and welcome the protection in your life.
Men, it’s necessary to be providers and protectors of your family. 
Women, enjoy being his helper and a keeper of your home. 
There’s authority in the function of our roles as husbands, wives, being parents, etc.
95% of frustration is diminished when we are in our God-given roles. 
Have eyes only for each other.
Your marriage is your ministry to your children, and to others younger than yourself.
Never place yourself in a situation with the opposite gender.
Do nothing out of selfishness, as the other is always more important.
Any past baggage or trauma you have will more than likely be brought into your marriage; don’t be afraid to seek professional help.
Pray for one another.
Submit yourselves to Christ in all things.
Understand that all of these things do not come easily or overnight.  It’s a process for us all.

Blessings as you journey together,
