3 generations of women –

I love being a grandmother.

Fun fact: I had 3 great grandparents and had all 4 grandparents in my life when I was born.  My great grandfather passed away when I was 12 yrs old from black lung working in the mines, the other when I was in high school, and Grandma Rose passed away when I was in my 30s.  She saw several great great grandchildren and the majority of my children.(another fun fact: She was one of eleven children)  

I had my grandparents into adulthood as well.  It was really special that they had longevity to their lives, and that I could know them and learn about who they were as people.  I miss them all very much.


Lord, grant me longevity for my children’s children… that I may be a beacon of your light always pointing them to you.  You have blessed me in the hard times and in the peaceful moments of life with these children, and grandchildren.  For I am grateful for those that you have entrusted to me.  I take each life seriously and I love them all.  Thank you for helping me through all my shortcomings and blessing me with new life.   I want to finish well. 

In your unwavering name,
