A Few Of My Favorites About Being Mama To Many

last few weeks with baby #6

Growing a child inside your womb!  I love the kicks and squirms you get along the way of them developing into a tiny little person.  I like taking the time to enjoy pregnancy and journaling about the journey leading up to birth.  Those first days with our new baby are the sweetest of times.  Life moves a little slower and we cherish those first moments of getting to know our new little family member.  I love watching our children be enamored with their new sibling after months of anticipating.  God has taught me to value the each precious life through this process.

her first steps


Watching our children hit milestones are always bitter sweet for me.  I am always so excited for them to crawl, take their first step, write their own name, ride a bike by themselves, but in those split seconds of excitement, I quickly realize they are growing up right before my eyes.  

Even though these moments can be full of mixed emotions, I am reminded that we mothers are here to help facilitate our children’s abilities.  God continues to teach me to rejoice in each stage and my biggest lesson to take away from here has been parenting with an open hand.

after bath reading time


I absolutely love to read to our children.  The enthusiasm they have when anticipating another chapter is exciting for me to observe.  They are so eager to learn and by our example, we have the privilege in training them up in the ways they should go.  

I love teaching them early on how valuable wholesome books are.  The lessons we have learned together and the rich conversations that follow can not be bought.

his favorite book

Teaching our children to read has been so rewarding for me.  Their little eyes light up when they can sound out a word within just a few days of putting sounds together.  The earlier they can read, the earlier they can follow along during Bible time together.  God has shaped my perspective on the importance of this valuable skill.

morning lessons

When my children crawl up onto my lap, sit beside me to cuddle, or just want to talk is such a precious time.  I value this time because I know it goes quickly.  God reminds me every day that there is nothing better than to be surrounded by the ones you love!

My kids call me “mama” …not sure where that originated from but I adore it!  When I hear my name with a tug on my apron it brings such joy to my spirit.  God has really given me a life of enjoyment when I can spend it with the ones who truly have no agenda or no personal gain.  I honestly did not know life as a mother existed like this.  What a joy this brings to my heart that I may know the goodness of God through this part of my life.


verse memorization at the table


When I pour my life into my children, there is a sense of purpose.  Motherhood is beautiful, but can be intense at times.  Remember, it is a sanctifying process and I had to learn this too!  As a mother, we must have an eternal perspective at all times.  It’s easy to get side-tracked and distracted by meaningless things this world has to offer.  Being mama to precious souls… loving them, training them, pointing their hearts to Jesus is our purpose!  


Motherhood matters to God, and who I am in our home is necessary to further the Kingdom.  If I only make another meal today, do another load of laundry, read another story, or redirecting children for the remainder of the day, it is all important work if we’re doing it with joy.  And I believe joy follows when you know your purpose in motherhood.


Even though this little note is about what I enjoy in my motherhood journey, God reminds me often that this life isn’t about me.  My goal in this life is to pass on the joys of motherhood, as well as teaching them to leave a heritage doing God’s will for their lives.  It is a joy that God is able to use me as a vessel in any life He puts before my path.

John 3:30  “He must increase, but I must decrease.”  
