The process of shaping the child, shapes also the mother herself.

Elisabeth Elliot was spot on in her quote above. I have definitely been shaped and molded during the process of raising my children.
The Lord brings me a dose of humbleness regularly, which causes me to draw near to Him, and reminds me why having the right response is so important.
There is such a sweet place in my heart for women who choose motherhood. Laying down their lives to give sacrificially to their children is a die-to-self role and often a thankless job.
Placing ourselves in the Lord’s hands for Him to help equip us in shaping our children is a daily choice that we must make as women of God.
Motherhood- One of the greatest calls a woman can answer.

Motherhood is life altering and not for the faint of heart. 🙂 I can look back and say that once I became a mama, I was never the same. It motivated me to be a better woman and my walk with Christ strengthened.
The journey of motherhood is my heartbeat. And I am here to encourage you it can be yours too.
Children will change us in ways nothing else in this life ever could. No matter how old your children are, or how many you have, most likely you’ve been challenged, transformed, and blessed beyond measure.

Being a mother is a gift from the Lord, and is a joy to experience. Not one day passes that I take the ability to conceive for granted. Even though I’ve had my share of sorrows and difficulties, being a mother is still hands down the best way God has shown me His love, His patience, His grace, and often reminds me that His mercies are new every morning.
I have learned so much about who I am through this process, and I can’t put a price tag on what that means to me.

One of my favorite things to do in life is to make memories with my family. I really enjoy being hands-on with them. I love watching their eyes light up when they learn something new or understand a new concept. I try and absorb every moment possible because time has a way of disappearing so quickly.
The Lord has graciously taught me a lot about being a mother to many. I’d like to share with you the top five things that I want to consistently be on my mind as I go about my days.

Speaking to them in a soft voice when instructing or correcting
Hug them often every day
Ongoing affirmation of who God made them to be
A friendship with them- bonding, sharing thoughts, fears, being silly
Instill hope by pointing them to Jesus in everything they do
I picked these five to share with you because I find that these are consistently the ones I go back to over and over again. When I make goals I ask myself, “If I get nothing else done today, what can I not fail to accomplish?” I pray about it. I write those down on note cards and post them on my bathroom mirror. It reminds me why I do what I do, what my purpose is in mothering these little cuties, and holds me accountable to the goals I have set for myself each day.

Motherhood is definitely a sanctifying process. None of us will ever have this mastered, which is precisely why we need His grace every single day!
I pray you will find much encouragement today as you journey on with your children. And as you shape and mold their little hearts, be confident that Jesus is doing the same in you.
