Ahh, the joy… and the journey! After all of these pregnancies, with each one all being different, and at this stage in life, I feel more normal pregnant than not. My daughter dug out a few pictures from my pregnancies and I giggled looking at some of them. Each picture has a unique story and it has been so much fun sharing that with my girls. They requested that I write a few favorites while I carried them. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but I will have fun sharing this with you as I cherish the memories I have with each one.

25 things I love about being pregnant:
1. I love when my husband comes up behind me and places his hands around my tummy, whispers in my ear, “I love that you give me children.”
2. I can not stop smiling when I feel another life kicking inside me. Even though labor isn’t my favorite thing, feeling those kicks causes me to grab my heart and be so grateful to be able to do this “one more time.”
3. Jason will ask me about what kinds of foods I want before he comes home from work. It could be a sweet treat or take out. Either way, I love that he makes an effort to treating me to my pregnancy cravings.
4. Being pregnant strikes up fun conversations at the grocery store. I love those opportunities!

5. I am not very good at taking naps or making myself rest, with the exception of the beginning of every pregnancy. I am usually pretty sick in the first trimester, and I take those times to take rests in the afternoon with my toddlers. Those are always sweet times of snuggling under the covers while we read our favorite stories until we drift off to sleepy-land.

6. Being able to celebrate another life with your family is so rewarding. Jason’s parents are dear to us and they are our biggest cheerleaders.
7. Picking out a name for this little person is a huge responsibility and what a privilege!
8. Getting the nursery ready for another little person to come join our family is a lot of fun. My girls will typically giggle with excitement as we match paint colors and my boys love to swing hammers. I enjoy the process of working together as a family for the purpose of preparing for another beautiful baby.
9. We usually do not find out the gender, so patiently waiting until the birth is a wonderful surprise.

10. I love to organize, and pregnancy gives me an excuse to organize cabinets, school closets, art drawers, clothes closets, shoe cubbies, school desks, remodeling an entire area of the house, etc. It’s all an adventure!

11. Hearing the baby’s heartbeat for the first time is so amazing. I’m smiling because I never get tired of those appointments that we get to hear little baby for the first time.

12. Because I am a planner, I love to make lists, check it off, prepare the freezer meals and winter food storage for the first six months of baby’s life, the preparation during pregnancy feels completed. I can sit, hold, and read to my other children during the first few months postpartum and not have to worry about what we are having for supper.
13. I love lying down at night watching the baby roll and kick my tummy from the inside. There are times where I can find the baby’s hand or heel, and actually cup my hand around it. It keeps the anticipation going in the household that this person is actually coming soon!

14. I feel really hydrated, my hair grows crazy long, and I feel really strong when I am pregnant.
15. I love shopping for a new baby. (And I am not a shopper! In fact, I actually loathe shopping!) For this reason, I keep a lot of baby items on hand, so typically the new baby doesn’t need much. I do make a point to shop for something special for each baby. It makes it for fun times celebrating the blessing of a child. Something simple I enjoy doing is purchasing swaddle material and making my own swaddle blankets, pink and blue ones.

16. It is a lot of fun seeing what God develops each week and stage of the baby’s life. I like seeing the measurements and knowing God is forming this baby into the person they are to become.
17. I like singing and reading aloud while baby is in my womb. I love when they already know my voice minute one after delivery.

18. At the end of the day when my swollen feet are soaking, knowing no matter how many times I go through all the aches and pains of carrying them to term, or in my case typically 42 weeks, I know every bit of it is worth it!
19. I love when Jason rubs my feet. Sometimes, mama’s swollen feet need some tending to!
20. Going on a baby-moon is always the highlight of the last few weeks of pregnancy. It is something Jason and I look forward to every single time! I highly recommend that you make this a priority in your marriage!

21. I love watching the changes that happen between Jason and I with each baby. He is so precious to me and I couldn’t do what I do without his encouragement. I learn something new about him, and about each other as a couple. We grow closer together with each new little one.

22. Creating fun baby announcements is always a lot of fun for our family. Jason is the best at coming up with really cute rhymes for the announcements.
23. Preparing my bedroom for birth is an exciting time. The girls and I get everything ready about 4 weeks in advance, and when the moment comes that I know I am in labor Noah usually helps me get the pool filled up before dad and the midwife get there.

24. Having a midwife who can be an encouragement, motherly support, and trusting her with the care of this precious baby is so humbling and vulnerable all in the same breath. My husband, who is my greatest support, is the best birth partner. He patiently holds my hand or rubs my back the entire process. He knows my weaknesses and can calm my fears quickly. I am thankful he is my prayer warrior while helping me labor through the process of delivering our babies together.
25. Strangers will come up to me, especially when I have my crew in tow, and it is a great opportunity to encourage other mommies in their motherhood journey.

Each time we find out we are pregnant, we become so grateful and encouraged by another life. We are content with the number God has for our family. We rest knowing that His will for our life is exactly where we have peace. No matter the size or shape of your family, know that God has a perfect will for each of you.
I pray that women all over the world experience the kindness of God pour out on their lives as He teaches us so many lessons during the journey of motherhood.
There is so much to be learned from being a little girl, being pregnant with our own children, training them up, passing on a heritage, and all the while, He has us on a journey of sanctification.
God bless you and your journey. We love you.
