My mother in-law is the best encourager. I wish I could capture her better publicly. (She likes her privacy.) But I did get a glimpse of the kindness that comes off her tongue ALL the time! Literally all the time.
It wouldn’t matter to her if my boys caught one fish. It wouldn’t matter to her if our kids got a terrible grade in their grammar lesson (she retired after 31 years of public school teaching) and it wouldn’t matter if her kids or grandkids messed up along life’s way. She would still tell them to get back up, dust off, and help them get back into the saddle with love and gentleness.
She has been my source of encouragement and the woman behind what makes my husband and his brother such gentlemen. I love what she has taught me and continues to teach me just by her example. She truly is a woman who loves well, cherishes her tribe, and is loyal to what is right, good, and pure. Her motives are not self seeking and it makes me want to cry when I think about what she has meant to our family.
A woman of encouragement- thank you for being the example that I needed.
My heart is so full